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Loss and Damage Claims with Movers .:

    If the shipment is currently in transit and you have a complaint about a late pickup or late delivery, or if the dispute is about the quality of service received or the charges due under a binding or non-binding estimate (or any other non-eligible type of dispute), you have the option of pursuing the matter through civil action or by filing a complaint with the Federal Highway Administration.

    If Your Complaint is about lost or Damaged Articles?

    If the move was intrastate (moves between 2 points in the same state) or local, you should contact the appropriate state regulatory agency or the state attorney general office that oversees such matters within your state.

    If the dispute is about loss or damage that occurred during an interstate move, you should file the claim with the carrier first. Claims eligible for arbitration are disputes, typically involving the amount of the settlement offer, which cannot be resolved between the shipper and the carrier. If for example, your mover breaks a table you believe is worth $2000 and the mover feels it was only worth $100 especially since the mover says the desk was damaged prior to loading.

    If you would like to request arbitration of your case, you must send us a written request for arbitration. Requests must be in writing and should include:

    • The name and address of the carrier (including the MC - Motor Carrier Number if available)
    • The date and city where the shipment was picked up
    • The date and city where the shipment was delivered
    • The name (of the shipper) that the shipment moved under
    • Any shipment number, bill of lading number or claim number that would help to identify the shipment, and
    • The value of the claim

      Do not send in your shipping documents with your initial request for arbitration. You will be asked to produce them at a later date. Remember, before the arbitration process can begin, you must have filed a claim through the carrier's regular claims process and the mover must have made his final offer.

      Reasons why moving companies deny damage claims

    If the moving companies deny your damage claims, review the following list of reasons before proceeding with any further action.

    • You must be able to provide proof of damage; otherwise you will have no case. You cannot file a claim for items that were not damaged as a result of the move.
    • Your claim must be within the time frame allowed, which is 9 months from the date of delivery.
    • Movers are not liable for boxes that you packed yourself unless there are damaged externally and the evidence shows the boxes were improperly handled. Otherwise, it may be concluded that the damages to the contents of the boxes occurred as a result of your packing.
    • If you claim damage to any item listed on the inventory sheet as damaged prior to being moved, the movers will not be responsive. Remember, no furniture is in pristine condition.
    • Movers are not liable for the inner workings of electrical appliances, including washers and televisions, unless the evidence shows that external damage is the sole cause. Otherwise, the damaged can be attributed to the customerıs mishandling or something unconnected to the move. Remember that the movers are not aware of the appliancesı functionalities. They only pack them.
    • Movers are not liable for any damage caused by the weather. Extreme humidity, especially during the summer months, can cause warping.
    • Movers are not liable for damages caused by self-repair of the items or if glue residue from prior repairs are found. The latter may indicate that the glue had dried out or gave way.
    • If you are asking for more money than the claimed items are worth, the movers will be not responsive. You must be reasonable and fair. You cannot claim damages based on your personal value. If a disk containing important information pertaining to your job is missing, you will only be reimbursed for the cost of the disk, not its contents.

      More information on moving company complaints or disputes:

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