How To Pack and Move Small Appliances
To Pack and Move Small Appliances You'll need:
Blank newsprint or your own towels and linens
Medium-sized boxes
Tip: Don't use plastic peanuts or shredded newsprint,
which could get into the machines and cause damage.
How To Pack and Move Small Appliances:
Group kitchen appliances, like blenders and toasters,
or other small household appliances, like hand- held vacuums
and telephones, two or three to a box. (Make sure they're
Make sure the bottom of the box is securely Packing Taped,
and then pad the bottom of the box with blank newsprint
(wadded up, not shredded) or your towels and sheets.
Put the appliances in and pad them well all around with
packing material.
Then put another layer of packing materials on top, seal
the box, and mark it "Kitchen Appliances." Now
you're good to go!
to Packing
Moving and Storage @ Mover MAX